NCA Dallas Flights

Sale price Price $65.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

Team flights are HIGHLY recommended (not required) for this trip. There have been several instances that Dallas has been hit with an ice storm either right before or while we are at this event. There have also been several instances that athletes (and other teams) have completely missed the competition due to travel issues with ice storms since Dallas does not recover well from this type of event. Large group blocks are given priority in these cases. In some cases, they've flown in a plane just to accommodate our group. Any athlete traveling on a team flight must have a parent or guardian (arranged by parent) on the flight with them. Coaches will not be chaperoning the athletes.

All bookings will be charged a non-refundable deposit of $65 through the pro shop upon booking. The remaining amount will be charged to your Top Gun account and must be paid by Nov 20th. Failure to pay the remaining amount by the due date will cancel the reservation. All purchases on the pro shop must include legal name and birthdates of all travelers in the notes.

Checked bags are included for Southwest. American Airlines will be an additional charge.  American flights will arrive / depart at Dallas Fort Worth airport, Southwest will be at Dallas Love.

Outbound options: Friday, Feb 28th (must be ready for practice by 5pm)
Option 1: American Airlines 9:17-11:39a (nonstop) $208
Option 2: American Airlines 1:42-3:55p (nonstop) $208
Option 3: Southwest Airlines 8:00a-11:35a (stop in St Louis) $218
Option 4: Southwest Airlines 8a-1:50p (stop in St Louis)$216
Option 5: Southwest Airlines 7:15a-12:50p (stop in Denver) $221

Return options: Monday, Mar 3rd - We are in the process of scheduling an optional tour at Cowboys Stadium
Option 1: American Airlines 6:30p-9:58p (nonstop) $136
Option 2: American Airlines6:30-9:58p (nonstop) $172
Option 3: American Airlines 4:35p-8:06p (nonstop) $226
Option 4: Southwest Airlines 6:55a-12:15p (stop in Chicago) $229
Option 5: Southwest Airlines 6:55a-12:15p (stop in Chicago) $265
Option 6: Southwest Airlines 6:35a-12:45p (stop in Baltimore) $275